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On Saturday we released an acoustic version of the Eimean hero's song, and there's a video to go with it!

Our YouTube channel's gearing up to feature a load of stuff like this, so why not subscribe in case you miss it? The Ramjak video is down below, but there's also a button which will take you to our channel, so click it and then subscribe!

Why not tell us what you think of the video and he song; we love to hear what you think! Remember that you can stream and buy the song from our homepage, and it'll soon appear on streaming sites!

A word from Ethan:

The original version of the song didn't let all the funky little variations in the chords come across properly, so I thought I'd put this out there to give a more comprehensive idea of the song. This version will probably be much more accessible for some people as well, so make sure you keep an eye out for it on all of our streaming accounts! I'll link them here and there'll most likely be another post about them, so keep watching, and pleeeease subscribe!

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